Breakup Assist’s user interface follows Google’s material design. There is a top menu with 4 items: Home, Quotes, Messages and Anecdotes.
There’s also a sidebar that contains the rest of the options: Diary, Dislikes, Facts, Share, Help, Log out, hide Ads.
Also on the top area there is the number of days since you started walking the road to personal growth and hopefully fully getting over your ex.
The homescreen will show you a random encouraging quote and a random dislike. You need a reminder about why life, no matter what, will get better eventually. Also you’ll get a reminder of why you might be better without your ex.
Press the big green button below once you feel you are over your ex! It will change a few things on the app. All your posts and comments will be marked with a while the posts and comments of someone who are still on the journey will be marked like this
Encouragement is a big part of overcoming a bad situation, we selected several encouraging quotes that will cheer you up and maybe give you another perspective of your situation.
Press the random button to show another quote.
Being anonymous is a big part of this app and we encourage you to discuss and talk everything on the anecdote section via comments. But if you feel like you want to directly contact someone it is possible but you can only send a private message to users that have left comments on your anecdotes, that way you won’t get spammed by anyone who visits your posts.
To start a private conversation tap on the icon next to the username of the comment . Write a text message and send it. After that, the user will be added to your contact list for easy access.
The contact list shows you the name of the user, a small extract of the last message and the date.
Remember, on the message window your messages will be marked green.
Here is the main purpose of the app and the place where we encourage you to spend most of your time.
Every anecdote you add will be available to all the users of the app, to read the comments press
here they will see the author of the post on the top and the readers will be able to comment
on it. You might find new perspectives of your situation, that’s the beauty of it!
Finding content:
You can find other user’s anecdotes in 2 ways:
You can press the random anecdote button and we will find an anecdote for you.
Also you can search for anecdotes by:
Username: Find all the posts of that user.
Latest: Here you will always find the latest anecdotes posted on our community.
I commented in: Remember you commented in one anecdote but don’t remember the username? We got you covered!
While posting a comment:
Please be polite when commenting on someone’s posts. Remember they are going through a hard time.
Fell free to log everything you feel here, this section is just for you and won’t be shared with anyone.
Sometimes we long for that person, but did it occur to you that you might be better off? Here you can make a list of all the things you didn’t like about your ex. This list will be shown in your homepage so everytime you open the app you will be welcomed with a dislike. Just remember, bad things are left in the past, all that matters is the future, don’t keep resentment!
Here you will find a collection of some facts related to a breakup. Did you know that the people are wired to feel loss more than gain? Did you know that it is better to not stop thiking about you ex? This and more you can find in the fact section.
Help the community grow bigger by sharing it with the world! Tweet about it, post it on Facebook or Google+!
Opens this page!
Log out:
Will close your session. All your posts will be kept online but you will lose all your private messages since they are stored on your phone and not on the servers.
Hide Ads:
You can hide all the ads that appear while using our app. Remember we need to pay the servers, help us by watching the ads or unlocking the app.
If you have more questions dont hesitate and Contact Us!